Okay gang, summer is almost here and soon it will be time to get into those bathing suits! Is this a source of excitement for you or a source of dread? If you think there's no time left to make a difference in your body--think again!! Here's 5 helpful tips to get yourself in the best shape possible before summer officially kicks off:
1) Reduce your SUGAR intake!
Not all sugar is created equal. It's much better to get your sugar from fruits and natural foods than processed foods, but you have to be vigilant about your sugar intake no matter what you're eating. While it's not an exact science, many health professionals recommend about 40grams of sugar per day, though the average American takes in 150-200g! Read the labels, cut down on sugar, and watch the pounds melt away!
2) Drink more H20!
This is a no brainer. Drinking more water gives you more energy, makes you less hungry, makes your skin look younger and healthier, keeps your organs functioning properly and adds no calories to your daily diet--and that's just a few benefits! Try drink 64 ounces a day--just get a 16 oz bottle and drink 4 of them. You'll feel better immediately and in 30 days you will notice a major difference in yourself.
3) Start keeping track of your calories
One of the best things you can do for yourself to keep your weight in check is to track your calories. It depends on the size, gender, and body makeup of the individual, but women should be getting roughly 2000 calories per day and men about 2500 (again, this is a ballpark figure). One pound of fat is 3500 calories, so every time you eat a surplus of 3500 calories you will gain a pound of fat. Here's an example: if you're a woman who needs a daily caloric intake of 2000, but you are eating 2500 per day, you are getting a 500 calorie surplus per day. After one week at that rate (7 days x 500 calories=3500 calories) you will put on one pound of fat. That's 52 pounds a year! Yikes! See why it's important to know how many calories you're getting?
Here's the good news: you could still eat 2500 calories per day and not gain weight if you increase your exercise. In other words, you have to burn as many calories as you eat. Personally, I think the best method for incinerating body fat is the double barrel approach--eat less calories and burn more at the same time!! This is the fast road to fat loss.
If you'd like a free online calorie journal go to www.my-calorie-counter.com. This might sound tedious at first, but after one week it gets pretty easy to track. First of all, we eat roughly the same things every week, and once you know what the calorie content is of each (bread, milk, veggies, meat, fruits, cereal, etc) it will become second nature to you. Give it a try!!
4) Plan your meals
How often do you eat on the go? Is it really necessary, or could you pack your meals the night before? Using the calorie counter above, plan your meals beforehand so you can choose how many calories you get at each meal. It will save you time, money, and pounds in the long run--I promise you.
5) Increase your activity
There's really only 2 ways to lose weight: eat less calories or burn more calories (or BOTH, my favorite). If you're keeping an eye on how many calories you are taking in, the next step is to increase the amount of calories that you're burning, and the only way to do that is to "move more than you usually do!" If you don't usually get much exercise (what's wrong with you?! haha) and you find yourself sitting at a desk, make sure you go for a walk each day, even if it's for 10 or 20 minutes. Once that becomes a habit, you can gradually increase the time and intensity. If you exercise regularly, make sure you switch up your routine and do something that challenges you more. If you're not sweating you're not exercising--and if you are sweating, sweat more!!! Get out of your comfort zone, take it up a notch, and accomplish something you've never done before! In 30 days you will be thanking yourself, and you're going to look super hot in that bathing suit!
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